Monday, September 21, 2020

Stressed Out music ideas- detailed!!

My Music Video will be on the song : 

Stressed out music video by Twenty one pilots 

The Narrative  of the story is that Our lives now are too focused on work and money so no one has time to have fun, like we did as kids.

I would have a range of different shots:

us playing kids games (dressed as superheroes, playing chase, playing lego)

Us doing stuff that we did as kids (nativity, playing video games, watching movies)

Shots of me working at school (over the shoulder shot of me workings at a desk, and one were i am face to face with the camera, these shots will be deliberately made to look dull, and a drag)

Rocket ship match shot ( i will be at my desk bored, and thinking about the times when i used t0 build rockets and paper aeroplanes (this matches with the lyrics as it says about the times when we used to play rocket ships) then i will pick up my pen and use it as if it was a rocket ship, then it will suddenly swap, as well as my clothes into me dressed up and instead of a pen it will be and actual rocket ship) this will be a shot where the camera is looking to me from the other side of the desk face to face.

Starting shots - Switching position/angle of me on the beat whilst i change outfit as well, last beat i will come alive and start the performance (only first 10/15 seconds).

Performance shots - all three of us in a band like way performing the song, me vocals, asa or matt on the guitar. and drums?

Hero Costumes - Spiderman Superman 

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