Monday, September 7, 2020


One of the first people we are introduced to is Ryan. From this moment we are instantly given the impression that he is hardworking and experienced in his job as we see him solving the issue on the beach, in a calm and controlled manner while he is being abused both verbally and physically. He is also shown to be serious about his job, this is shown when he is harsh on Jake when he is showing to him what the challenges which they have to face as an officer. 

Meanwhile the second person we are introduced to is Jake, who at the time of the issue on the beach was being graduated at an assembly for all of the new recruits. The graduation is led by Chief Superintendent Robert Vickers (Jakes father) who is speaking about the positives and attitude of being a police officer.  At Jake`s turn to step forward he is shown as confident and happy as for the smile on his face. This is because he has yet to experience what he has to come as an officer, because of him being able to skip the queue because of his fathers role.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 7/10
    Put the post title as it will help you when looking for topics using the search engine.
    Good on Ryan's handling of the stag party on the beach and when he is given the task of 'babysitting' Jake. Does he show any resentment? As the chief super has picked him to supervise his own son, does that show how well he does his job?
    When Jake meets Ryan, do you see any nervousness or uncertainty?
