Sunday, September 6, 2020



The opening 2 minutes of Cuffs we are introduced to the setting which is Brighton, as we have the first shot of the well known Brighton Pier. We are also introduced to one of the main characters. Sound is used to help the audience feel like they are there in Brighton themselves. Example of some sounds include the sound of waves and seagulls, both of these sounds are the stereotypical sounds we hear when we go to the beach, this will then give the viewer a clearer understanding of the location the series is set. When we are introduced to Ryan we also hear non-diagetic rock music, this gives the effect so we see him as a experienced policeman who can solve any problem with a calm and confident attitude. Meanwhile when we are seeing Ryan we can hear the chief of police as he says a speech about the rewards and challenges that come with being a police officer. This speech is goes against some of what we witness on the nude beach, for example, the chief of police talks about how the officers have the respect of the public, while, on-screen, Ryan is getting punched in the nose and shouted at by some drunk men on a stagdoo and when he resolves the issue the victim of the abuse rudely says to Ryan what is the point of you, this is a clear example of where disrespect toward police is shown and is going against what the police chief is saying.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3/5
    It might help you to organise your thoughts if you dealt with all the mise-en-scene first then all the sound analysis. The mise-en-scene is rather neglected in your answer but you are strong on sound.However, you are nearly there: in order to show that you understand what 'meaning' is created, you need to explicitly state that COMEDY and IRONY are created by the cross-cutting between the two contrasting settings (chaotic and disrespectful stag do & resentful naturists)and the discrepancy between the talk about police dignity and the reality of the job.
    Good point about the music introducing Ryan.
    You could also refer to the sounds of police sirens and wheel spins, creating expectation and tension.
