Monday, September 28, 2020



PREP- Write two separate paragraphs on the media language and the representation of this mojo magazine.

This Foo fighter cover shows many representations of the band. The clothing which Dave Grohl is wearing helps us to understand that they have two sides, but also his posture and face expressions symbolises and represents the type of music they produce. The clothing that he is wearing shows that he as two sides as for the fairly bright colours, but scruffy collar, revealing his punklike necklace. Which represents that they are a serious rock band who are not to be messed with but also shows that they are laid back and approachable, as for the friendly colours. The selection of relaxing, casual clothes may also mean and symbolise that they are at the top of the rock world and find it lightwork. His hair also symbolises rock as for rock artists stereotypically having long lush hair which they fling about while performing.  His face expression also links into the laid back theme. This is because he is showing a goofy face expression whilst looking dead straight into the camera, this has the effect that we as the viewers believe that we are one of his interests. As well as this the raise of one eyebrow almost hints at him saying "do you want to rock?".  He is also grabbing the title of the the band which represents that they go with the flow, but also have an aggressive side as for them being a male rock band. The cover also shows him and the band to be important in the rock world as for his head overlapping the master head of the cover (MOJO). 

The cover also uses media language to show off the bands way of music and performance. Firstly we see that the font and colour choice are bright and a friendly. The font also has a rock wild feel to it as for it being at an angle and being made up to two different colours. This may have been done deliberately to show that they one of the best rock bands around, meaning that their name should be a stand out feature. The bright blue background with circular waves reflects their wild and unique performances, an example is when they allowed a fan to come up on stage to play the drums whilst they were performing in Croatia. Another example of how the cover has used media language is that they have included an engaging pull quote "We`ve been to funerals, We`ve been to jail..." this suggest that they are familiar to everything and are not easily surprised, but it also once again make sure that we don`t always take them as a joke and that they are a serious rock band, despite their performances. We also see advertisement in the bottom left corner and top left for a CD with many artists included, across from this in the bottom right corner we have listed artists who are also included in this edition of the MOJO magazine going down the side. 

Things to remember when doing a magazine work:

- Use many conjunctions to compare the different magazines, this includes; However, Unlike the other one, Both of the magazines. 
- Use a range of adjectives to describe the magazine, and then say what the effects are. 
- Talk about the difference in font, colour, mis-en-cence, covermount, heritage and tradition, 
- Come to a conclusion, talk about why you think your opinion 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Stressed Out music ideas- detailed!!

My Music Video will be on the song : 

Stressed out music video by Twenty one pilots 

The Narrative  of the story is that Our lives now are too focused on work and money so no one has time to have fun, like we did as kids.

I would have a range of different shots:

us playing kids games (dressed as superheroes, playing chase, playing lego)

Us doing stuff that we did as kids (nativity, playing video games, watching movies)

Shots of me working at school (over the shoulder shot of me workings at a desk, and one were i am face to face with the camera, these shots will be deliberately made to look dull, and a drag)

Rocket ship match shot ( i will be at my desk bored, and thinking about the times when i used t0 build rockets and paper aeroplanes (this matches with the lyrics as it says about the times when we used to play rocket ships) then i will pick up my pen and use it as if it was a rocket ship, then it will suddenly swap, as well as my clothes into me dressed up and instead of a pen it will be and actual rocket ship) this will be a shot where the camera is looking to me from the other side of the desk face to face.

Starting shots - Switching position/angle of me on the beat whilst i change outfit as well, last beat i will come alive and start the performance (only first 10/15 seconds).

Performance shots - all three of us in a band like way performing the song, me vocals, asa or matt on the guitar. and drums?

Hero Costumes - Spiderman Superman 

Friday, September 18, 2020




Today we watch the opening five minutes of our tv drama text on Clickview and relate what we learned last lesson about: 

  • audience pleasures (why audiences enjoyed watching it). What is their relationship like?
  • how Emma Peel is presented (including why her representation reflects the 1960s when it was made). Listen to what she reveals about herself.
  • how John Steed is presented (including why his representation reflects the 1960s when it was made). How does he come across?

PREP Write about the first five minutes of the tv programme, analysing it, as suggested above.

In the opening scene of 'The Town of No Return' the first establishing shot is of a beach. In this shot the camera pans towards the sea, this is where we see an mysterious black bin bag emerging from out the water, which we later see Mr Steed unravel from wearing an upper class outfit (clean suit with a small pocket square in his suits blazer pocket, as well as this he is wearing a upper class hat). This would grab the audiences attention as it is a quirky thing to do as it is unexpected. Later in the first 7 minutes, we are introduced to Emma`s flat, where there is a an eye on the door which emphasis the element of quirkiness, which at the time would have amused many viewers. Once we enter the flat we once again are hinted at Mr Steels upper class and polite manner, which most men were like at the time form his class. This is shown when in the fencing match when he stops to move the china carefully away from where they are fighting. As well as this he is pictured as an athletic, dreamlike man for women at the time, we see this has for he being presented as an object, this is shown in the manly ways he acts but also the flirtatious attitude he has with Emma. This  would pleasure many female viewers as they would want to be in Emma position. 

Steed is not the only person who is being presented as an object, as Emma is aswell. We first see Emma fencing in a skin-tight outfit, this automatically presents her as an object. However we are made to notice and see her as athletic and physical as for her attiude towards Steed but also when fencing. She is also been made to be seen as independent and not your usual women from the 1960sas she is demanding and gets her way. This is portrayed when she tells Steed that the coffee is 'over there' instead of offering to make one and serving him. This is different and not normal for the 60s as women were expected to serve men. Another way that we are shown that Emma Peel is different from your usual women is that she is well educated, we know this as for her mentioning her finishing publishing an article for 'The Science Weekly' this gives us the image that she is also a well educated women. However, we do sometimes see where steed does have power over Emma as for his male character. This is shown when he plans and books the trip and plan without even considering or asking Emma. This is clear when he taps her on her bottom with a foil, reflecting the male supieroity but also the females role in the 60s.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Stressed Out Ideas

The Narrative:

- Our lives now are too focused on work and money so no one has time to have fun, like we did as kids, therefore we would have shots of us playing kids games, mixed in of shots where we are in school working.  

Things which we do as kids which could be used in a narrative:

- Superheros, Lego, Going to the park, video games console,

Music related ideas:

- Drumsticks, Choir boy, Nativity  

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Music Video Song Ideas links

 1. I fall apart  by post malone -

2. Crown by Stormzy -

3. Me and My guitar by A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie -

4. 1-800-273-8255 By Logic -

5.Let you down by NF -

6. Stressed out by twentyone pilots-

Monday, September 7, 2020


One of the first people we are introduced to is Ryan. From this moment we are instantly given the impression that he is hardworking and experienced in his job as we see him solving the issue on the beach, in a calm and controlled manner while he is being abused both verbally and physically. He is also shown to be serious about his job, this is shown when he is harsh on Jake when he is showing to him what the challenges which they have to face as an officer. 

Meanwhile the second person we are introduced to is Jake, who at the time of the issue on the beach was being graduated at an assembly for all of the new recruits. The graduation is led by Chief Superintendent Robert Vickers (Jakes father) who is speaking about the positives and attitude of being a police officer.  At Jake`s turn to step forward he is shown as confident and happy as for the smile on his face. This is because he has yet to experience what he has to come as an officer, because of him being able to skip the queue because of his fathers role.

Sunday, September 6, 2020



The opening 2 minutes of Cuffs we are introduced to the setting which is Brighton, as we have the first shot of the well known Brighton Pier. We are also introduced to one of the main characters. Sound is used to help the audience feel like they are there in Brighton themselves. Example of some sounds include the sound of waves and seagulls, both of these sounds are the stereotypical sounds we hear when we go to the beach, this will then give the viewer a clearer understanding of the location the series is set. When we are introduced to Ryan we also hear non-diagetic rock music, this gives the effect so we see him as a experienced policeman who can solve any problem with a calm and confident attitude. Meanwhile when we are seeing Ryan we can hear the chief of police as he says a speech about the rewards and challenges that come with being a police officer. This speech is goes against some of what we witness on the nude beach, for example, the chief of police talks about how the officers have the respect of the public, while, on-screen, Ryan is getting punched in the nose and shouted at by some drunk men on a stagdoo and when he resolves the issue the victim of the abuse rudely says to Ryan what is the point of you, this is a clear example of where disrespect toward police is shown and is going against what the police chief is saying.