Thursday, March 5, 2020


Image result for music magazines hip hop


Select ONE hip-hop music magazine cover of your choice.
Paste into your blog for Prep.
Analyse the representation and media language of the cover.

This music magazine has been organised
 in a bold, colourful way. At the top of the magazine is the name in big capital letters is the of the brand of the magazine. The centre has the central splash is of Ludacris which is the main part of the magazine. His name is in the centre in a clear and eye caching colour and font which reflects the style of his music. The magazine has been laid out in a clean way with easy fonts and cool text colours making it clear and easy to read.

Meanwhile, the background is just a simple white plain background, from doing this it ill attract more attention to the main feature of they magazine. Ludacris is also wearing casual clothes but a big chain which symbolises him to be wealthy but also successful. The use of lighting and shade in the magazine helps depicted him as a role model and a hero to some. There isn’t much surrounding him, apart from the other advertising parts and other people who feature in the magazine. 

The typography of this cover is very simple, but eye-catching and easy to read. The main title of the star Ludacris is similar in size to the name of the magazine, from this is suggests how  big his role is in the hip hop world. 

Below the artists name there is a phrase goes beast mode. This may attract fans and other people as they would want to experience his new and apparently good songs, but also shows his work ethic as it gives the image that he has been trying very hard. As well as this he is looking straight down into the camera like a person who not to be messed with but his only focus is to succeed. 

1 comment:

  1. You understand how to discuss media language such as the cool, clean layout and colours, the bold and simple but expensive style of the main artist Ludacris. You comment thoughtfully on the representation, such as the eye contact, lighting, and huge size of the font stating his name, all of which build his seriousness. You analyse the language of the 'beast mode' well.
    You should also use this terminology: cover line, three / four deck cover lines, accent colour.
