Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Observer 6 November 1966 - Information review

PREP Open the edition of the Observer and carefully read it to ensure that you understand the stories behind the headlines, images and advertisements. Use the internet to investigate. 

  • There is the usual lingerie advertisement which would attract the female customers 

  • One of the Subtitles is about an Italian flood which reflects the worldwide media at the time showing that people in Britain also had interests in other countries at the time because of trade and resourcing raw materials for a strong Empire. Above the Headline is a picture of the destruction the flood had left.

  • Another headline is talking about how lawyers recommend consent for divorce, this shows that divorce may becoming more popular at the time.

  • The Newspaper headline also talks about the RAF spotting a Soviet bomber being escorted away from Britain, this would be good news for people living in Britain as it would give them the image that they were winning and succeeding the war, also ti would make them feel happy as they know that they will be informed on new regarding the war and their safety.

  • Another example in the news paper where it is informing the public on issues in society is when it mentions about the clash between Wilson the Prime minister and George Brown

  • However, i can see no evidence of equality of ethnicity, sexuality, Gender, as there is no stories about black people, Gay people and not many stories about women's success. This reflects the society at the time as everything was very kept in line everyone believed what the media and higher people told them to think. 

  • Another interesting feature of the newspaper is the weather update, where is gives u information on disruptions happening around the the countries, above the update is a headline about a storm which has made many disruptions 

1 comment:

  1. The point about the lingerie advert is that it is representative of the extremely limited ways in which women were represented: there is also 'knitted fashion' and a worried article about easier divorce (which risked destabilizing society) but no representations of women in politics or any positions of power.
    You notice the reference to the Cold War.The prevalence of spy stories: the West spied on the communist East and vice-versa.
    You are right about the lack of representation of ethnic minorities.
    Bobby Kennedy on the top right: the UK's special relationship with the US; our sense of sympathy with Europe in the concern about flooding.
