Friday, November 29, 2019


PREP Watch the two videos again, looking in particular at differences in representation, camerawork and editing.
Your prep is to identify how the two videos differ in their representation, camerawork and editing. Pick only one example of each.

  • The representation in Teenage dirtbag is different to the represenation in Sk8ter Boy as in teenage dirt bag we are made to see the main character is represented as lonely, shy, unpopular and getting called a looser. Who is just dreams about things that he would like to happen, e.g getting the most popular girl in the school. However in Sk8ter boy we are made to see the main character as a loud, very popular girl who everyone wants to be like, she is also made to look rebellious and someone who just wants to have fun and make the most of life. The main difference with sk8ter boy is that her isn`t actually a dream and it is in real life.
  • Camera work has a huge difference in the way we see the story, as in Teenage dirt bag the camera is always trying to tell a story in a persons perspective and it never breaks the 4th wall. From the slow and steady camera work it gives of a less energetic mood as  we are concentrating on the videos story line,  it also the fits to the songs beat well in some parts. On the other hand in Sk8ter boy the camera is always moving up, down, left and right following a range of different people and objects, as this gives a very energetic mood which fits the songs beat. 

  • There are parts of editing in both parts, but is used in different ways. In teenage dirtbag it is used as a cut scene shot, as the camera keep cutting between the story line and the band perform, other parts of editing is when it cuts to the different times that that the main character has been neglected by other people and also at the prom when the girl chooses him. Editing is used in a different way in Sk8ter boy, as it is used to highlight how much attention is gathered by the rebel girl and group. The use of editing also allows us to see the star logo they are constantly spray painting it also is used to speed up some clips but also slow down others. In both videos editing is obviously used to fit the lyrics with what is visually happening.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 7 /10
    Representation: You write accurately on both representations but aim to emphasise her rebelliousness and non-conformity; where TD just longs to be liked and to be popular according to high-school standards of success, SB rejects convention and scorns her boyfriend's first girl who judged him. writing about clothes, props and gestures as well as locations is all part of representation.
    Camerawork: you understand how the genres reflect the camerawork. Use more terms like handheld, tracking shot, high /low angle shot.
    Editing: you identify the differences, such as slomo and how the star tag is made prominent.
