Friday, November 29, 2019


Image result for music magazines

PREP Start to familiarise yourself with music genres that you don't know, by first picking a music magazine, either popular or classical music.
Explore the genre (say, Reggae, punk, rap, rock, prog rock, pop, urban, heavy metal, R&B, soul, country & western, orchestral, ...)
Post all of this writing as well as your chosen magazine cover on your blog with your comments underneath.

  • What kind of music is the magazine about? What kind of cover style would you and music fans expect? You could listen to their music as well as look them up.
  • Identify the central splash and describe how they are presented (what they are wearing, how they are lit, the expressions on their faces, how these fit with the type of music)
  • Comment on the use of typography
  • Looking at the cover as a whole, what can you say about the layout?

The magazine is clearly about rock, as we can tell from the large writing. The person in the centre splash is Robert Plant, a well known rock singer song writer. The layout of the magazine is expected as a rock magazine. The black background to highlight and draw attention to the other aspects of the magazine. Also the white writing is used as a highlight as it will make it stand out more to the readers. The top bar with the different musicians is another advertisement so people are more interested in looking inside the magazine. 

The central splash is Robert Plant a famous rock singer song writer. He is had a huge influence in many different areas in the music world such as Synth pop, blues, folk and a bit of African music. One of the reasons why he grew popular is as he spoke about the tragic death of his son Karac, who died because of a stomach virus at just the age of 5. This lead to Robert performing a song about it called `All My Love` whist on tour with Led Zeppelin. As well as this Robert has been in many bands including Led Zeppelin Page and Plant, The Honeydrippers, Band of Joy. From this we can tell that he is a iconic figure in rock who is appropriate for the central splash. The layout of the central splash pictures him as holy character up with the rock legends. He is also making eye contacted with us which may have a special effect on some big rock fans as he may be there hero. He is also doing something with his hands this gives us the idea of that he is doing something mischievous or trying to hide a secret which could possibly be him realising a new song. Once again this would excite many rock fans 

The use of typography in the magazine is a key aspect as well as it reflects the mood well highlighting the serious parts but also the joyful, less serious parts. The text also suites the genre of rock, as it look bold and brave like a rockstar would be.

The overall layout of the cover is very clean and good use of light and dark colours to create a depth concept. It also advertises other things in different areas of the cover, this is clever as it would attract even more people to buying this magazine. 

1 comment:

  1. Mark 9/10
    Again, an impressive bit of research into your chosen musician. You explore how he is represented and draw attention to his hands and the eye contact. I had to look up the picture as yours has white bands across it! He comes across as serious, focussed, intense, authoritative with his slightly lowered gaze and penetrating stare. His lined face suggests a wealth of experience but could seem troubled, especially coupled with the coverline about his life not being in his control.
    The harshness of the light exposes his wrinkles and age.
