Saturday, November 23, 2019

How does Country Music create representations?

How does Country Music create representations

  • What kind of music is the magazine about? What kind of cover style would you and country music fans expect? You could listen to their music as well as look them up.
  • Identify the central splash and describe how they are presented (what they are wearing, how they are lit, the expressions on their faces, how these fit with the type of music)
  • Comment on the use of typography in The Shires coverline.
  • Looking at the cover as a whole, what can you say about the layout?

The magazine is about country music i can tell from many different reasons like; the large title, the bottom line words, the instruments the male is holding and also the top bar where it says about the group and their music success. I personally don`t listen to much country music, despite this for a cover of a country music magazine i would expect calm and smooth colours, but it should still have an interesting design to attract people into buying their magazine. After listening to their song Friday Night i think the use of energetic text, typography fits very well as the song is fairly up beat, from the text it allows us to see another side of their music unlike their other slower pace songs. It also look very wild and as a country style to it, this gives us an idea of why style of music it is. 

The central splash on this magazine is showing the two members of the group. We are made to see them in a important way as they both have serious face expressions, but also the lighting  plays a important part as it makes them look superior. In addition to this the males head over laps the main title this makes  them look more obvious but also gives the overall magazine a clean look. We can also tell they are both wearing fairly casual clothes to fit in with the quiet colour scheme, but also the style of music they play. 

Looking at the magazine as a whole i think it looks very clean and fits the country genre look very well. I like the use of colour as it reflects the mood of the songs they produce, but also fits the country genre as a whole very well.  

1 comment:

  1. Mark 7/10
    I am impressed that you did some music research! Well done: you will have to explore a bit for the music magazine questions!
    You pick up the mix of 'calm and soothing' with 'dynamic' in country music, as seen in the typography, which is very lively and free.
    You spot the sense of casual rather than formal, as well as the serious, sincere, heartfelt quality. You relate this to the lighting well : the 'clean' look. Perhaps try to explore the 'superior' vibe: what makes you write that?
