Thursday, February 11, 2021

TV in the 2010s.


1. Explain technological convergence. [2]

It is the process of merging different aspects of technology to be at access on other platforms/ devices. An example is that TV can be watched on television, game consoles, tablets, mobile phones.

2. Explain 'channel surfing'. [2]

Switching between different channels to catch the most liked programmes. Eg watching a cooking program on one channel. However, when the football or another programme on a different channel to the original cooking programme you would switch to that channel as you would prefer to watch that.

3. Give 3 examples of how channels create brand loyalty [6]

Use popular actors which are the viewers favourite, Plan a catching narrative to engage the viewers, High production value.

4. What is 'long form television drama' ? [2]

The long showing of high drama TV programmes

5. What is a 'flagship' programme? [2]

A very popular and anticipated programme 

6. In exchange for the licence fee, what does the regulator require of the BBC as a Public Service Broadcasting channel? [6]

It requires to offer; creative, high quality, distinctive programmes; reflect the UK in its culture and values to the world; to reflect and represent the diverse communities of the UK`s nationalities and religions; to support learning; to provide impartial news and information

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