Monday, February 8, 2021


 We look at current news articles about the BBC and return to the OCR fact sheet on the television industry.  

According to The Times newspaper this week,  watching TV live and in real time accounts for most TV viewing.

  1. What do you understand by the terms 'live' content and 'on demand' content?
Live TV is when is it broadcasting on live TV, at a certain time period, with certain programme. This means that you cannot watch it again or at the time of your choice. However, Demand is when you can watch it when you like and the TV has been pre-recorded. This means you can watch it whenever you want and you will be able to watch a bigger range of programmes. 

2.What is the demand for 'live' content like?
It is still  a very popular option, and it was recorded that in 2019 it factored for 73 percent of all broadcasting viewers . There is little change in 2020 with it still accounting for 3/4 of all broadcasted TV viewing. Looking deeper into this as a proportion of all live TV viewing, shared viewing remained the most popular. Shared viewing took up close to 50% of viewings. Thinkbox thinkers have put this down to the Lockdown. This is because households individuals with children in have said that they are more commonly watching TV as a way to past time because of the limited things they can do whilst in Lockdown.

3.According to ratings research, there are 8 programmes cited as the top live shows for family viewing. How many have you watched?

I have watched a couple of them. For example, Paddington 2 is a mainstream family viewing with very high production values and a mix of comedy, big star talent and clever technology. All together it offers pleasures for all age groups and brings families together for shared viewings . However, the bigger platforms such as Netflix have gained popularity as for them having a bigger budget meaning that they can afford to publish a movie a week. Therefore this outclasses the terrestrial television as for them not having an as wide range of programmes like the bigger platforms do. 

4.Apply Blumler and Katz's audience framework to what you learn from this article.

Entertainment - TV shows allow audiences to connect with the visuals. In some cases TV programmes could play with the audiences emotions. An example if there is a part of suspense the audience could feel nervous, meaning that they feel engaged and entertained. An example of a popular show which provides entertainment is David Attenborough's program, as said in the article 
Surveillance -  Through watching TV it allows people to learn and gather new information. Examples could be on new programmes or alternatively it could be on adventure programmes like Ben Fogle On Thin Ice
Relationships - It could allow you to build relationships with others who watch the same programme, this could be family or friends. An example could be if a group of friends all watch a tv show and they talk/ build a stronger bond around it.

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