Monday, January 18, 2021


If you access The Observer print edition online, you can access added features. What are they?

When reading the online version of the Observer there`re features available which the readers of the physical copy cannot access. One of these features is online readers would be able to make comments on articles and stories that physical readers can't do, where they can state their own opinion on the story meaning they are interacting with article much more. Another feature which is available for online readers   is that through looking at an online copy means that they will have a much larger amount of articles to look at. This includes older copies and stories, this is not possible to physical Observer readers can't do unless  the shop near them stocks the older copies. The final feature is that in the online versions of the newspaper, we can see tabs across the pages, these tabs could offer a deeper insight into the chosen story, this would allow the readers to gain a greater understanding of story which they read, this could make their reading more personalised to them as they have an interest in the subject matter of that part of the article. e.g sports team they support or political party which they support comparing this ti a basic physical version where you cannot do this.

This is The Observer's Twitter page. What do you notice?

The first thing I notice is that share, retweet, like and comment this would make the readers of The Observer feel like they can have a say on their opinion on the article and great bonds with other readers with a similar opinion
Another thing i noticed is the text "Tomorrows Front Page" this would give a little tease to the daily readers. It could also make the passionate readers of The Observer's twitter think they get early access making you feel more up-to-date than the general population.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 10/10 Very good work
    Online version: you are right in drawing attention to the value of linked articles. It is an amazing resource, once you are a subscriber, to cross-reference other articles, to go back and delve into an issue that perhaps you didn't need to read up about before.
    Twitter: you are correct to emphasise the interactivity and the audience pleasures of a shared community of like-minded people. Twitter also makes suggestions about writers that you might find interesting so that you could 'follow' them.
