Saturday, February 29, 2020

Lego Movie Game

Watch the Lego Movie Video Game walk through for example here
The aim of the prep is to make connections in your mind between what you experience as a Lego movie video game player and the 'uses and gratifications' framework

The Lego Movie Video Game is a great source of entertainment. It is very child-friendly and gives the games offers the payer to escape into action, making them excited,  the game also consists of problem-solving which makes sure that the player is entertained, Another form of entertainment is humour and spectacle..

In addition to this, The Lego Movie Video Game is a good for surveillance as people are able to play the game as well as watching the movie. Also, the game allows them to play as the characters they were just watching in the movie. This is a good way for Warner Bros to make money as it will make the product live on for longer.

As well as that, The Lego Movie Video Game can allow the players to form a relationships with the characters as, they  may identify with the pleasure of going into different like you are able to do in the LEGO movie game . Also, it can affect real-life relationships as people can see friends and talk about the game and they could play it with each other in their spare time.

On top of that, The Lego Movie Video Game has good values as it  involves  the pleasure of good defeating evil, from doing this it will give the player the sense of personal success as they move through levels. Purchasing the game as an adult or parent may also provided childhood memories for parents  as they could be familiar with the brand as they might have played other of their products when they were younger. This could give them the opportunity to play with their children. This also pictures how the range ofaudiences for video games might interpret the same product differently, e.g. young and old getting different pleasures from the same product.



Type of masculinity
Stereotypical or anti-stereotypical?
Chief Superintendent Robert Vickers
PC Jake Vickers
Station Inspector Graham Webb
PC Lino Moretti
Weaker/ unfit/ unathletic 
Warmed hearted
DC Carl Hawkins
Friendly/ humorous 
Can stand his ground
DI Felix Lane

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Short, targeted revision tasks with questions.

Yr 11 REVISION: CUFFSShort, targeted revision tasks with questions. Research suggests that being asked to recall information regularly will aid your recall.TV: INDUSTRY & AUDIENCE

1. Name one channel for each
  • publically-owned PSB television providers- BBC

  • commercially-owned PSB television providers- ITV5
  • commercially-owned non-PSB television providers - Sky, Sony
2. PSB purposes: true or false?
  • making viewers laugh- FALSE

  • Informing our understanding of the world- TRUE
  • Representing diversity and alternative viewpoints- TRUE
  • Reflecting the UK’s cultural identity- TRUE
3. PSB characteristics? h*** quality (HIGH QUAILTY), **iginal (ORIGINAL), i**ovative (INNOVATIVE); cha********(CHALLENGING),. WIdely *********(AVAILABLE),, dist******* (DISTINCTIVE)
    4. Give the word for "the period before 9pm and after 5.30am when programmes containing material unsuitable for children cannot be shown – this includes sexual content, violence, graphic or disturbing imagery and swearing."- WATERSHED

    5. This means that programmes such as Cuffs have to be very careful about their content, which might be seen to reduce the realism of the programme as, for example,...... - THE CRIMINA AVOIDS SWEARING

    6. True or false? 
    The BBC has extra PSB requirements, written into its Royal Charter, because of its distinctive funding. These largely reflect those above, but include the purpose: ‘to reflect the UK, its culture and values to the world'  - FALSE

    7. The BBC has to simultaneously provide ‘distinctively’ PSB content while remaining popular enough to justify charging everyone the licence fee. It attempts to do this in television by offering a stable of channels which offer between them both mass entertainment and quality PSB programming.Which of these describes BBC1 and which BBC2:

    • a niche channel that offers ‘programmes of depth and substance -BBC2
    • a mass audience channel for all the ‘unites and inspires the nation with high quality programmes across a range of genres’ - BBC1
    8. True or false? 
    1. Many BBC programmes are now made by independent television production companies- TRUE
    9. Tiger Aspect and Cuffs  Say any three things that you know about Tiger Aspect or what kind of replacement programme was required -   its a successful ‘independent’ production company which is part of a group (Endemol Shine Productions), 

    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    You are currently making a music video. Look at the requirements for the music video brief by opening the link HERE on our blog.
    PREP tonight:
    Write an account of how YOUR current music video production meets this brief.

    Me and my friends at school are making a music video and we are following the music video brief. We are doing this by aiming it at a specific age range of 14 – 18-year olds as there is no extreme violence or language but it is also not childish enough to be for children younger than the target range as there are some scenes which suggest violence which they might not be too comfortable with. Also, we used an existing song which was written by one of my class friends called Asa.
    The narrative is three boys trying to improve at the sport they are playing as the song talks about staying motivated and not losing determination. We did filming in two locations which where the football/rugby pitch and the tennis courts. In our plan we discussed to use a range of different camera angle and shots including close-ups, tracking shots, still shots, handheld and interesting shots looking through the football net. Finally, I am going to edit the music video to fit the different points and beats during the song so then hopefully it will have a greater effect on the listeners and viewers.