Thursday, January 30, 2020

Radio one live lounge PSB

Radio one live lounge PSB

Radio one meets the requirements for public broadcasting as it Educates, Entertains and Informs. It does this by showing high quality content which shows the `good of their kind`. Meaning it shows a range of popular things, which may be in the Radio One`s case playing popular music or having discussions on popular topics. They also do this as they are show things which are easy to understand meaning it can entertain all audiences. It also educates people as Radio one live lounge shows informational and educational content aswell. By doing this it simulates knowledge and learning.  The Live lounge also informs the public about new songs or possibly incidences that are happening around the world. The UK`s cultural identity would also be reflected in the radio live lounge broadcasting. 

1 comment:

  1. Good general understanding but you need to be quite specific about Live Lounge itself. It meets the PSB requirement for original, high quality entertainment for niche audiences: it serves the needs of younger audiences (15-34) by having a young black presenter (Clara Amfo); it is online for younger audiences who spend their time online. Live acoustic sessions are available to stream. Its special approach is its focus on acoustic music with informal hosting (live performances.
