Wednesday, June 24, 2020



Name: Free movement
Today we speak with the upcoming skater Ollie Hill, as he talks about his journey through skating.
"As a child i spent most my time watching YouTube and one day this video came up `impossible skating tricks` i clicked on it and it showed people doing the most dangers, but cool tricks, which looked impossible. From watching these videos it gave me inspiration and a sudden love for the sport. I got my first board and went to my local skate park. i wasn`t very good at first and everyone else there was amazing, i felt like i didn`t fit in. This was because of the old clothes i was wearing, which was an old cotton black t-shirt and a random pair of ripped jeans my mum bought me at the charity shop when i was younger. It was embarrassing as everyone else there was wearing the best clothes. One person was wearing an amazing polyester jumper, which at the time i could only dream of having. I couldn`t do any tricks in the old vintage clothes i was wearing as my movement was limited due to the materials and tightness of the clothes. I felt rubbish. I came home hopped onto my laptop surfer the internet and before i knew it a delivery from UBANIZED came. It included the best skating clothes. My favourite was the oversized white t-shirt with small graphic graffiti picture on the front, however the jeans were also the best quality made from 100% cotton, this made me so much more free in my movement, i was able to jump and do all kinda of tricks. URBANIZED is the reason why i am as good as i am now, if it wasn`t for their amazing clothes then i think i would of just given up, as i thought i was rubbish.  The journey doesn`t stop here as i am now sponsered by  them and i want to show everyone why they are the best clothing brand for skating." If you want to here more from Ollie Hill and have a chance of winning a give away from URBANIZED then make sure to watch the full podcast featuring him and some other skater as they talk about their preferred outfit on his blog @ .

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