Monday, October 14, 2019

Lego movie marketing

Lego movie marketing

Image result for lego movie advert by warner bros actual advertsIn the Lego movie advert it transforms normal adverts into a Lego version the adverts included where the BT advert, British heart foundation, Premier Inn. I believe it does this as it is trying to gain the viewers’ attention as it is different from the usual adverts, it also gives the viewers an idea about what the movie is like whilst trying to excite them.
Image result for lego movie advert by warner bros actual advertsThe use of Lego in some of the more grown up adverts which children would normally be interests in make it more interesting for bot the children and the adults or parents watching, in addition to this is also bring the family more together so it creates a overall memory of the advert.
In the end the advert was a great success and got many views on YouTube (around 1.3 million) and while it was being streamed. It also then got a much higher selling rate.

1 comment:

  1. You grasp the general idea that the ad break is successful in attracting audiences, both child and adult. However, it is primarily aimed at adult audiences who would recognise the original ads. You make a brief reference to the financial aspect of its success and should be more detailed: six million people saw the break live on TV, and an additional 1 million viewed it on YouTube. After the film had been released, it was shown that the ad-break influenced 5% of opening week’s box office revenue, resulting in a ROMI (Return On Marketing Investment) of £5.96 for every £1 spent. Finally, the break was tested by market research company ‘YouGov’, who said, “it as the best performing ad break they’ve ever measured”, combining the ads into a piece of entertainment which made the break 14% more enjoyable than an identical break featuring the originals.
